Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Generador de lazy blogger messages

So.. andaba por ahí, no buscando cosas para bloggers flojos como yo, y encontré este generador de mensajes para bloggers flojitos, de esos q te disculpan y así.

Seleccioné algunas opciones random y he aquí mi mensaje de lazy blogger:

El siguiente mensaje es patrocinado por:

Holy Catfish! I just got slapped with a wet salmon - really - I have not updated this since I had to start working to pay the ridiculous food and petrol prices to feed my kids... You would not believe it only hurts when I laugh. Stupid Global Warming!.

I am swilling chardonnay with sleeping my way to the top, choosing my retirement village, just generally being asleep, dreaming and chancing to anyone unfortunate to cross my path, my day is filled with fluorescent light from the second I am woken by murderous Teletubbies to never. I am beyond drunk most of the time. life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

I swear on the bones of my ancestors I will update you with my nefarious activities as soon as I get a chance. No, really! Don't hold your breath though, you're likely to turn blue..

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